Kelly Farrier

Hometown: Louisville, KY

Current Residence: Louisville, KY (ET)

Accomplishments + Certifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Arts

  • Minor degree in Business

  • I have worked in the foster / adoption community for almost 10 years!

  • I have four wonderful pets, Dane-iel Radsniff, Scarlet Witch, Captain Ameowica, and Natasha Romeownoff

  • I am a proud aunt to my amazing niece and nephew who joined our family through foster care and adoption


Communications: Slack, TextMagic, Zoom

E-commerce: Amazon, Etsy

Electronic Signatures: DocuSign

Project Management: Asana, Honeybook, Peek

Property Management: AirBnb, VRBO

Reviews: Birdeye, Viator (Tripadvisor)

Scheduling: When I Work

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter

Travel: Expedia

Website: WordPress

When I was 10, I wanted to be: a pastry chef with my own Food Network show.

Go-to take out spot: Starbucks or Sushi!

If I were to pick one show to re-watch 100 times it would be: I'm not a huge TV person. I prefer video games.

One meme that sums up my sense of humor: